Tonight, we’re going to taste ten Mollydooker wines. I’ve assembled a group of friends to assist me:
- Dan, my partner. Software engineer, regular wine drinker.
- Rex, journalist, mostly a fan of vodka and brandy, but drinks wine when I make him
- Roy, very modest wine drinking experience
- Mark, mostly an Italian red drinker, regular drinker since 1998
- Jared, normally a Bud Light drinker, been to a couple of wineries, done some wine tasting
- Travis, Two Buck Chuck aficionado (“it’s cheap!”)
- Henry, mostly a fan of dessert wines, Port… but when he wants a good time he goes for Colt .45
- John, Mark’s partner, also a big fan of Italian reds but also fascinated by the Italian concept that wine is food and he’s fascinated by wine food pairings
There may be a couple more, but they’re not here yet… so I’m gonna get started!
Oh my! This is going to be good…
That was… fascinating. I’ll need some time to write everything up; all I’ll say is that that didn’t go in the direction I was anticipating. Just put the kitchen back together the morning after, and nearly every bottle was more than half full… and we wound up having twelve guys over.